Next Up: At 17 Years Old, Joda Kgosi is Just Getting Started


Joda takes my call after she has been excused from the middle of a lesson. It is a striking reminder of just how young she is-a contrast to what is already a pretty refined sound on her latest single “Truth Is”.

At just 17 years old, Joda is wrapping up high school and has her sights set on stepping into herself as an artist. “I’ve always wanted to do music. When I was asked at 5 or 6 years old what I wanted to be when I grew up... It was a superstar.” 

Everyone talks about how I’m so young but for me, it feels like I’m finally doing what I’ve always wanted to do
— Joda Kgosi

Her single “Truth Is” is a song about unrequited love, and Joda admits that the hardest part of putting it out was having to break down the lyrics to her parents. She laughs when recalling her mom’s indignation at “who are you begging to love you? What’s going on?” and that she has explained how music is her vessel for storytelling-and that sometimes it might not be directly related to her own life. She clarifies that “my mother is the most supportive person in the world-she just wants to see me shine”.

In our interview, we explore the process of developing her sound and what’s next for the blooming South African artist.

The below interview has been lightly edited for the purpose of clarity and context

Jade Kelly: You’re at the very beginning of your music journey... I’m interested to know where this dream started for you. 

Joda: It’s funny because everyone talks about how I’m so young but for me, it feels like I’m finally doing what I’ve always wanted to do.. So when you talk about the dream, I remember being 5 or 6 and someone asking me what I wanted to be when I grow up and my answer was always “a superstar”

So it was always going to be music for you?

Always! I’m so happy to finally have plucked up the courage to do this

What finally pushed you to step into this dream?

Honestly, we have so much talent coming out of South Africa and that has been the biggest drive for me. I look at Elaine and whats she’s managed to do in the space of just a few months and that’s really whats inspired me to get the ball rolling.

How would you describe your sound while you’re still in the process of developing it?

Right now, I’m in a stage where I’m experimenting a lot but my sound will always come back to strong lyricism-its why I love hip hop so much and the process of writing my music is the most exciting to me. If I would have to describe my sound it would be a blend of Soul and R&B

So what does your process look like when writing your music? Is it something you can do anytime, anywhere or do you need to be in a particular state of mind to create?

I definitely can’t just sit down and write something right now. A lot of my most productive sessions are sparked by a moment of inspiration and when that happens I can write a couple of songs in one go!

Who would be your dream collaboration?

I’ve definitely thought about this and Smino is at the top of my list.

What excites you most about the future?

At the moment, I’m working on visuals for the “This Is” single, and then hopefully I’ll be ready to put my EP out in the next few months. Also-I can’t wait to get into some more live performances!


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