TBO on New Music, Past Mistakes and Being a Certified Loverboy


A raging romantic at his core, a shuffle through TBO’s discography mirrors his exploration of love, betrayal, and redeeming himself over and over again.

My sound is a mix of old and new R&B.. Its a little sweet, smooth and very sexy.

Having put out his last project in the latter part of 2019, the Johannesburg based artist has no plans of slowing down anytime soon. 

“I found my [singing] voice at 15 years old, and its been impossible to separate myself from the music ever since”. He traces his journey from the township of Gugulethu to the Eastern Cape and eventually being led by this big dream to the cut-throat city of Johannesburg.

Despite the challenges, TBO is determined to make this work. “It’s not easy out here, but I knew I had come here to have a shot at this music thing, and I’m just really blessed to have some amazing people in my circle.” he shares. 


His latest single “Another Sad Song” is something he wrote about the definitive romantic relationship of his life-and reveals that he was responsible for its dissolution. “We were doing long distance, I was unfaithful and I’ve regretted it ever since”. 

For more on TBO’s love affair with music, his vision for his follow-up project and his dreams for the future, see our full interview below.

This interview has been lightly edited for the purpose of clarity and context. 

Jade Kelly: Talk to me about your latest single, Another Sad Song

TBO: I wrote this almost 3 years ago, and it was kind of about my ex girlfriend.

“Kind of”?

Who am I kidding-yes. It was 100% about her.

And what happened there?

Long story short, is that she was the best thing that ever happened to me.. And I fucked it up. When  I moved from Eastern Cape to Joburg to pursue music we were doing long distance and I was unfaithful. I regret it everyday. 

In retrospect, do you regret making the move?

Not at all. It’s not easy out here, but I knew I had to come here to have a shot at this music thing, and I’m just really blessed to have some amazing people in my circle.. And when it comes to relationships-all I can do is strive to be better in the future. 

I get that a lot from your music- would you say that the romance, or being in a constant state of searching for it -translates to your real life?

Absolutely. I’m a loverboy at heart!

With a little toxicity sprinkled in there?

Wow no! I just made a mistake-but I’m really a softie who’s a sucker for love.

Do you write all your own music?

Yeah-that part is very personal to me and as I’ve grown as a man its very apparent in my writing and everything I create.

How would you describe your sound to someone that has never heard of you?

My sound is a mix of old and new R&B.. Its a little sweet, smooth and very sexy. 

What’s next for you?

I’m working on an EP right now - which I’m getting ready to put out early next year under the label [Farmhaus Collective] I have with my brother.

Any features?

Out of the 6 tracks, 3 of them have some pretty fire features-so look out for that one.


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